032c, 20th ISSUE “REI KAWAKUBO”, WINTER 2010

032c Issue 20 – Rei Kawakubo from 032c on Vimeo.

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“Rei, I have a wish list for you” – JOHN WATERS on Comme des Garçons, and everything else you never thought you wanted to know about designer REI KAWAKUBO in our 40-page dossier. ARC’TERYX takes menswear to new heights of performance with its new line, Veilance; CLAUDE PARENT is rediscovered as Paris’ last supermodernist; HEDI SLIMANE does STERLING RUBY in downtown L.A.; REM KOOLHAAS discusses Moscow’s new Strelka Institute, FRANCESCO VEZZOLI gives us a look into Milan’s infamous club, Plastic, and DAVID SIMON, creator of HBO’s The Wire, talks anger and the American city in our segment on today’s unexpected places of discourse; JOHANNESBURG provides a case study in African modernity; BJARKE INGELS is optimistic about the future thanks to artificial intelligence guru RAY KURZWEIL; TUNG WALSH captures WEISSHAAR and KRAM’s mechanical leviathan; DANKO and ANA STEINER bring on Hannelore, Tre, Sunnika, and cover-girl LAUREN SANTO DOMINGO to conclude their Manhattan trilogy; 032c’s latest SELECT presents the best of this season’s books, products, and ideas; and so much more on 264 pages.


Available nationally and internationally at select newsstands, art bookstores, and fashion boutiques soon.
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Early next week there will be a SOCIÉTÉ DE 032c bar night in honour of SHUMON BASAR. Please follow us on facebook.com/032cWorkshop and on twitter.com/032c for more details

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